St Cuthbert's School News

Arrangements for September 2020

St Cuthbert's School • August 20, 2020
I hope that the summer break has gone well and you have managed to enjoy some the lovely sunshine we have had. We are all very much looking forward to everyone returning to school in September even though things may be a little different.

I thought it would be helpful to send out a reminder of the procedures that we have put in place for all children and staff to return.

Family Groups

Children will stay within their own class and not mix with other classes. We will also try to ensure that the same staff are with each class every day but this may not always be the case. With 30 children in a class, it will be impossible for children to socially distance which is why it is important that classes are kept separate from each other.

Start/end of the school day

Whole school start date is 7th September 2020. We are going to have a staggered start to the day to reduce the number of parents in the school playground at any one time. Please be punctual with drop off and leave the school site as soon as your child is in school.

Year 5 and 6 children will start at 8.45am and finish at 3.10pm. Children will enter through the playground doors.

Year 3 and Year 4 will start at 9.00am and finish at 3.25pm. Children will enter through the playground doors.

If you have children in both of the groups can we please ask that when you drop off the year 5/6 children that your year 3/4 children go straight into class too. It is against current school procedures for parents to wait in the playground.

Staff will be on the playground to help if you are unsure which entrance your child needs to go through.

Breakfast club

The government guidelines state that we should be re-opening breakfast club. We are aware that many parents rely on breakfast club to support them in their work commitments. Breakfast club will re-open from Monday 7th September at 7.45am. We have amended our Food Policy to include procedures for Covid-19 which includes how we will organise children being separated in different areas. Please inform the school office if you would like to book a place.


Children will be expected to come back to school in September wearing school uniform. I know that the children will have outgrown their uniforms so if anyone has difficulties with this could I ask that you contact the school and we will see what we can do to help.


Until we are able mix freely between classes, we will be unable to hold whole school assembly. Children will have prayer and reflection time in their class instead. I intend to conduct whole school assembly on zoom once a week to get the children together, albeit on a virtual basis.


We intend to split the lunchtime period to reduce the number of children outside at any one time. Each class will be split into designated areas to play to support separation of classes.

Year 3 and 4 will start lunch at 12.00 midday – 1.00pm

Year 5 and 6 will start lunch at 12.30 pm – 1.30pm

There will be no hot meals initially so children will need to bring a packed lunch. We intend to re-start hot meals week beginning 28th September please return the menu to school as quickly as possible. If your child is eligible for FSM then a packed lunch will be made available for them but only if you have ordered one through the school office via email

Arrangements around school

The one way system around school will continue to be used and children and staff will be reminded of the use of the arrows. Children and staff will be encouraged to remain in their learning area or outside as much as possible. The drinking fountains will still be closed so please ensure that your child brings a drink with them. The toilet system currently in place will also continue which will limit the children able to go into the toilet area. All of these systems are in place to reduce the opportunity for children to mix with others outside of their class.


A lot of children have been absent from school for a significant period of time. We are aware that it is going to take a little time to build up resilience, confidence and ability to work for long periods of time. For this reason we have included a 2nd break in the morning session to split the learning up into smaller chunks and we have also timetabled an afternoon break.

We know that some children have managed the lockdown better than others for a wide variety of reasons. We have allocated a daily lesson linked to social, emotional and mental health. This will cover a range of topics such as dealing with emotions, anxiety and loss, re-establishing friendships and relationships and talking about how to establish daily structures that the children may be finding difficult. We will also use this time to celebrate what they have achieved during lockdown and some of the positives that have come out of this situation.


All children are expected to return to school in September. I understand that some parents may be very concerned especially if their child has been shielding during this time. If you do have concerns about your child returning to school, please contact me and we can discuss this further.


If a parent suspects or knows that their child is ill they MUST NOT send them to school and will need to ring the school office to inform us.

If anyone has a cough/temperature/feels unwell at school (showing signs of CoVid-19) parents will be contacted and they will be sent home. They will need to self-isolate for 14 days, or until tested negative. If a child is waiting to be collected and has any symptom of Covid-19, they will be kept in a room with the door closed and a window open.

If a child or adult shows symptoms and tests positive for CoVid-19, then the whole class that the child/adult is in must be sent home and they must self-isolate for 14 days.

If other cases are then also confirmed at the school, then Public Health England will advise the school on next steps/possible closure.

Year 3 children

St Cuthbert’s Infant and Junior Schools have developed good transition arrangements for our Year 2/Year 3 children over the years. Whilst the transition of information between staff has taken place as normal this year, we are very aware that the children have had no transition at all.

We are asking the Year 3 children only to attend next week during the INSET days on Thursday 3rd September and Friday 4th September. On arrival, staff will be on the playground to help you find their new classes.

With only the Year 3 children in school, it will help them to find their way around, meet the staff and hopefully feel happier when the other children return on Monday. I am proposing that Year 3 children attend:

Thursday 3rd September 9.00 am - 11.30 am

Friday 4th September 9.00 am – 2.00pm

These 2 days are not compulsory and it is up to you as parents if you want your child to attend. Children will need to bring lunch on Friday and will need to be in school uniform.

If you would like to discuss any part of the arrangements for the return to school in September please do not hesitate to contact me.

We are very much looking forward to welcoming all of our children back in September. With thanks for all of your support and good wishes over what has been a very troubling few months.

Helen Mullinger

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