Please see below information about emergency school closures.
If the school cannot be opened because of bad weather conditions or related problems, notice boards would be placed by the school gates with the most up-to-date information. An announcement will be made on:
*Please make sure that we have your current mobile number to enable us to get the information to you ASAP. Please do not phone the radio station direct, they cannot cope with large numbers of calls. Should the school have to remain closed for second and subsequent days, the same procedures will apply.
When the school reopens, this information, will be announced on the website, via text message and posted on the board outside the school. Throughout a closure the school would aim to have the telephones manned, at least, for the early part of the day.
Procedures for early closure (because of worsening weather) when pupils are already in school, would be for us to contact parents via text message when possible to ask them to come and collect children early. If parents suspect that early closure is likely, and there will be no-one at home for us to contact, please telephone the school to find out if children are being sent home.
We do realise that closing the school for the day may cause considerable inconvenience to parents and we would only take this decision if it were absolutely necessary.