Please see below information about our school lunches.
Parents have a choice as to whether they pay for their child to have a hot meal, or bring a packed lunch. Storage is provided for lunchboxes, which should be labelled with the child’s name - in hot weather you may like to include an ice pack.
Children are encouraged to bring fruit to school for break times, but no sweets or chocolate, please. They may also bring in a named drinks bottle with them, for water only, please. Drinking fountains are available.
Parents are able to order and pay for hot meals via ParentMail (go into the accounts option to order)
Amended menu 5th February 2025
Children who attend a Somerset County Council school, whose parents or carers receive certain benefits may be entitled to free school meals.
Only the benefits listed here – and no other benefits – qualify you for free school meals for your children.
These are the benefits.
If you have recently become unemployed, but are still receiving Working Tax Credits, you may be entitled to free school meals.
Forms are available from the school office or you can apply online here: