Mental Health and Wellbeing

Mental health problems affect about 1 in 10 children and young people: they include depression, anxiety and conduct disorder, and are often a direct response to what is happening in their lives. There is a clear link between mental and physical health. The emotional wellbeing of children and young people is of equal importance to their physical health. Good mental health enables children and young people to enjoy and achieve and will also benefit their academic performance.


Here at St Cuthbert’s, we take wellbeing very seriously, so we are starting to explore the 3 pillars of wellbeing through the Somerset Wellbeing Framework. Watch this space to find out how we are identifying our school strengths and improving on these 3 pillars of; Belonging, Relationships and Lifestyles.


If you feel your child requires wellbeing support, please explore the links below and/or come and speak to us; you can speak to your child’s class teacher who will work with you, with the support of the school’s Senior Mental Health Lead, Lisa McLaurie.


Resource for support

Public Health have developed this quick guide for young people and families, providing national and Somerset wide signposting to support and self-help resources. 


Further links to other organisations that can help can be found below:

Calling all Parents & Carers!

The MHST (Mental Health Support Team) are offering a series of FREE helpful webinars over Spring 2025.


Supporting your neurodivergent child

Supporting exam and test wellbeing

Helping your child to thrive: Boosting self-esteem & resilience

Understanding and supporting anxiety and low mood

Supporting your child’s big feelings


Find out more & register here:

Webinar Booklet Spring 2025

Mental Health Toolkit Somerset children & young people:

Health & Wellbeing:

  Counselling and psychological support – low cost:

Eating Disorder and Disordered Eating


SWEDA: Somerset and Wessex Eating Disorders:

Emotionally Based School Avoidance:


Somerset Support Services:


Emotionally Based School Avoidance:


Not Fine in School:


Grief: Bereavement Support




 Obsessive compulsive disorder:


OCD UK – Children:






Mindfulness and relaxation App:



Feeling calmer – activities and games:



Supporting and responding to heightened emotions:


Emotion Coaching:

Mindfulness and movement App:


Go Noodle:


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