Please see below information about our school uniform.
It is the Governors' policy that all children should come to school dressed in the school uniform. We would appreciate all parents’ cooperation in ensuring that their child is dressed appropriately and that all equipment is labelled with the child’s name.
White shirt, blouse or polo top, plain, dark shorts, skirt or trousers, navy sweatshirt and/or fleece jacket with or without school logo (available from Uniform Shop in Broad Street, Wells)
Dark coloured footwear suitable for school; no stripes or high heels.
In addition to the above, dresses or skirts in any shade of blue or blue patterned fabric. Sensible sandals dark or white. Hat or cap for playtimes.
A change of clothing - T-shirt in house colour and shorts for PE; track suit
bottoms may be worn outside; plain trainers or daps. Your child will know when PE is scheduled and will need the appropriate kit on that day.
Jewellery and make up, including nail varnish, should not be worn in school. A single set of sleepers or stud ear-rings if required. A normal watch may be worn once a child is able to use it properly. Hairstyles should be kept simple and sensible with long hair tied back. NO shaved or close cropped hair.
Available from:
Southwest School Wear, Broad Street, Wells or;