Hot Meals Gone Live
St Cuthbert's School • November 30, 2020
Deadline Friday 11th December 2020
Hot meals order form for January & February 2021 is now live on ParentMail.
The deadline for returning the order is Sunday 13th December via ParentMail
and Friday 11th December for paper copies.
Please note that if you place an order for hot meals after the deadlines above we are unable to process the order. This means that the meal will not be ordered from our caterers and a hot meal will not be supplied.
You may be able to order the meal via ParentMail after this date but it will not be processed and a meal will not be ordered for your child. Unfortunately this is how ParentMail works with the ordering and I am unable to change it.
Please make sure that you order meals for the whole of the term up until the February half term. You do not have to pay for the whole half term, please pay at least a week in advance, but you do need to order the meals.
If you have any questions or queries please do not hesitate in contacting Hilary or Helen in the school office 01749 678066